2014 Winnipeg Civic Election

An Open Democracy Manitoba Resource

2014 Winnipeg Election Archive

IMPORTANT: The information below is from the 2014 Winnipeg Election.

Visit www.WinnipegElection.ca for Open Democracy Manitoba's latest Winnipeg Election voter resource.

The Role of a School Trustee

The main functions of a school trustee include preparing for and participating in school board and committee meetings. Each school division has a school board made of school trustees. Policy is determined at public school board meetings and sets the direction for the school division.

School Trustees also attend meetings of the committees on which they serve. Most school boards have a number of committees that deal with areas such as finance, personnel, curriculum, and facilities. Other committees can be formed to deal with special projects or emerging issues. These committees create reports that generally go to the school board before being passed as policy.

Source: A Guide to School Boards and Trusteeship in Manitoba - Manitoba School Boards Association

More information will be available in the 'Voter Education' page coming soon.