2014 Winnipeg Election Archive
IMPORTANT: The information below is from the 2014 Winnipeg Election.
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Brian Bowman
Candidate in the 2014 City of Winnipeg Mayoral race.
There are 1638 recent news articles that mention Brian Bowman.
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Questionnaire Response
Why did you decide to run in the 2014 Winnipeg Civic Election?
I decided to run to be the Mayor of Winnipeg because I believe that with the right leadership, vision and guidance, Winnipeg can fully realize its potential. When I decided to run, I saw a city that was plagued by scandal, audits and backroom deals. I saw a city that was struggling to maintain the quality of services and infrastructure that our citizens deserve. I want to bring positive change to the city of Winnipeg and restore our citizens’ faith in city hall by bringing openness and transparency to it. I will help rebuild our crumbling infrastructure by repairing our roads in the short-term, while supporting smarter growth of our city. I also decided to run to be the Mayor of Winnipeg because I want to make Winnipeg work better for its citizens. I want a city that is open and transparent, that has better infrastructure, stronger and safer communities, and a real long-term economic plan. I want a better city for my family and for everyone elses families. I want to live in a city that supports small businesses and the creation of jobs. I want to live in a city that encourages our youth to stay in Winnipeg.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as Mayor?
I have always been a passionate supporter of Winnipeg. I have prided myself in being an active community volunteer and have had the pleasure of leading many of our city’s community organizations.
Previously, I have been the Chair of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, and under my leadership, we launched the BOLD Initiative. My leadership and vision, assisted in bringing about the creation of YES!Winnipeg, The World Trade Centre, and the Centralia Conference (that showcased Winnipeg to 600 companies from 30 countries).
In my professional life, I am a privacy lawyer, and have been recognized as a national leader in the areas of social media, access to information, and privacy law.
As the Chair of the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG), it was my vision to increase the visibility and accessibility for the WAG. As Chair, I supported greater programming for school children and a variety of non-profit community partners. This vision also helped the WAG continue to see strong surpluses and greater overall community engagement.
I have also served on many other community not-for-profits, including, Ka Ni Kanichihk, the Manitoba Naturalists Society, and as President of the University of Manitoba Alumni.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as Mayor, and why are these issues important to you?
It is abundantly clear that infrastructure is the number one issue for Winnipeggers. One of the reasons that I decided to run for Mayor of Winnipeg is that I realized that as we approached a population of one million people, it was evident that our city would not be prepared for this due to years of poor leadership at City Hall and a lack of forward thinking vision. The second major issue that has been identified from the beginning of this campaign was transparency at City Hall. As Mayor of Winnipeg, I will restore faith in City Hall by implementing our Open Data policy. From an infrastructure and development perspective, this means that the tendering process will be transparent. There will be no more backroom deals and all members of the construction industry (or any industry for that matter) will know the expectations are, and needs are, with respect to any given project. Everyone will be on the same playing field throughout the tendering process.
What is one thing in particular that you appreciate about the City of Winnipeg?
Simply put, it is our people. I decided to run for Mayor, for our citizens, for our children and for Winnipeg. I am running for the Mayor of Winnipeg, in order to provide a positive, inclusive environment for all of our citizens. We have the absolute pleasure of living in such a diverse community. This diversity will be celebrated and honoured throughout my service as the Mayor of Winnipeg.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
I encourage everyone to inform themselves of all of the candidates who are running and I encourage everyone to go out and vote. Please feel free to visit my website for further information as to why I am running for the Mayor of Winnipeg. It is my vision to have a city that is open and transparent, that has better infrastructure, stronger and safer communities, and a real long-term economic plan. I thank each and every one that I have met throughout this campaign. I thank you for your vote and I look forward to serving the City of Winnipeg as your Mayor.
Learn about our questionnaire process.
News that Mentions Brian Bowman
News articles are automatically gathered from Google News by searching for the full names of the candidates in the upcoming election. More details.
FP comments, July 21 Winnipeg Free Press
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Re: Seeds of city dysfunction are sown (July 20). I agree with both Brian Bowman and Dan Lett. Bowman is correct that Russ Wyatt's tactics are unbecoming of a councillor. Lett is right that it is really up to Bowman to figure out how to bring council ...
Bowman struggling to lead Winnipeg Free Press
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
When city council resumes after the summer break, it will be nearly a year since Brian Bowman was elected mayor amid great fanfare and expectations of a new, open and progressive era at city hall. That, at least, was the thinking of those who did not ...
Odysseo production coming to Winnipeg | Winnipeg | News | Winnipeg Sun
Monday, 20 July 2015
Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman speaks at the July 20, 2015 announcement for Odysseo, a production expected to deliver $5.5 million in economic spinoffs for Winnipeg this fall. The show will cost an estimated $10 million to produce and feature horses, ...
Seeds of city dysfunction are sown Winnipeg Free Press
Monday, 20 July 2015
KRISTIN ANNABLE / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS. An angry Russ Wyatt tapes his 20 rejected amendments to the pedestrian-and-cycling strategy on Mayor Brian Bowman's door Wednesday. Photo Store. Unhappy council would not waive its rules to debate a ...
Winnipeg city councillor Russ Wyatt needs a lesson in the word 'democracy'
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Democracy. It's a wonderful thing. But for some people it can be a difficult concept to understand — people like Russ Wyatt. Perhaps drawing inspiration from the nearby Fringe Festival, the Transcona city councillor's flair for the dramatic reached ...
Mayor Brian Bowman's victories so far come with asterisks | Home | Winnipeg Sun
Saturday, 18 July 2015
When Brian Bowman was elected mayor last fall, he promised to turn the page on what is generally thought to be one of the worst city councils Winnipeg has seen in anyone's memory. To his credit, the RCMP haven't been called in yet to investigate ...
Impact of indigenous voting in Manitoba
Saturday, 18 July 2015
He pointed to the election of Brian Bowman, who is Métis, as mayor of Winnipeg as something that has spurred aboriginal voters. "Brian didn't talk about being aboriginal that much in his campaign. But they are still very proud about that, and they are ...
Bumps on the road Winnipeg Free Press
Saturday, 18 July 2015
A failure here could send a signal Winnipeg isn't serious about higher-density development. They're also watching intently at city hall, where Mayor Brian Bowman made an election pledge to complete six transit corridors by 2030. On the campaign trail, ...
Bowman spent $28K less on winning campaign | Winnipeg | News | Winnipeg Sun
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman was outspent in his 2014 election campaign but still managed to win the race. Bowman, a first-time mayoral candidate, raised an impressive $200,451 for his bid, according to campaign donation and spending data released ...
WasylyciaLeis raised, spent more than Bowman in 2014 Winnipeg election CBC
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Financial statements from Winnipeg's mayoral race last year show that Judy Wasylycia-Leis raised and spent thousands of dollars more than Brian Bowman, but still came in second place. The audited statements, released on Thursday, show the ...
No regrets about storming out of council meeting, says Russ Wyatt Manitoba ...
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Winnipeg city Coun. Russ Wyatt says he has no regrets about storming out of Wednesday's city council meeting and taping 20 rejected amendments to the mayor's door. The Transcona councillor was criticized by Mayor Brian Bowman for his "antics" at the ...
Vote on Winnipeg's bike, pedestrian plan shows city hall isn't more open, says ...
Thursday, 16 July 2015
The approval of Winnipeg's controversial pedestrian and cycling strategy shows that nothing has changed at city hall, says Coun. Ross Eadie. The Mynarski councillor said Mayor Brian Bowman promised a more open city government, compared to the ...
School tax bill a dealbreaker
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Council's last meeting before summer break turned into the gong show many observers expected — the strife over the city's bike/walk strategy set the tone as councillors jousted with dueling amendments. Rabble-rouser Russ Wyatt (Transcona) did not go ...
Ladies, pay your own way on dates: It's the feminist thing to do
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Every time I think we finally live in a progressive utopia, I see something like this Facebook post, from a female friend: “Just went on a first date. A blind date. And had to pay. For both of us.” The comments: “No more dates for that guy,” “Uhhh ...
Medical marijuana shop shut down
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Last month, Vancouver became the first Canadian city to regulate dispensaries despite pushback from the federal Conservative government. Now Price said he wants to meet with Mayor Brian Bowman, to hear the stance of the city's leader. "I want his ...
Sidewalkshovelling still coming?
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Schreyer had joined Dobson, Jeff Browaty (North Kildonan), Ross Eadie (Mynarski) and Russ Wyatt (Transcona) to place ads urging listeners to call Mayor Brian Bowman and city councillors to oppose the strategy. They paid $700 each from their ward ...
Active Transportation Plan Passes, Despite Opposition
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Wyatt marched to Mayor Brian Bowman's office and taped all of the shut-down motions to his door. The words “democracy denied” were scribbled on the papers in black marker. Wyatt put forward most of the amendments. Wyatt told the media “it speaks for ...
Cycling strategy passes; Wyatt calls it 'democracy denied' | Winnipeg | News | W
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
democracy denied Coun. Russ Wyatt (Transcona) posts 21 cycling strategy-related motions on Mayor Brian Bowman's door, with "democracy denied" written on them. Article. Change text size for the story; Print this story. Report an error. The great cycling ...
Winnipeg city council to vote on cycling, pedestrian strategy today Manitoba ...
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
When it was approved by the executive policy committee last week, Mayor Brian Bowman stressed that no money would be spent and nothing would be built until council approves each project with the guidance of the strategy. "This plan is the first step ...
Parmalat milks deal with city | Winnipeg | News | Winnipeg Sun
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
"We've successfully negotiated a deal to keep Parmalat in Winnipeg," said Mayor Brian Bowman. "The city has wanted to develop these lands for some time." Doug McNeil, the city's chief administrative officer, said the deal is needed to keep Parmalat in ...
City has bad credit, bad attitude | Tom Brodbeck | Columnists | Opinion | Winnip
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
By Tom Brodbeck, Winnipeg Sun. First posted: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 05:14 PM CDT | Updated: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 05:35 PM CDT. Brian Bowman Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman gives an update on his first 100 days in office. (Brian Donogh/Winnipeg ...
City strikes quick deal to keep Parmalat milk plant in Winnipeg Manitoba ...
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
... with Parmalat sets their business up for success right here in Winnipeg and that Parmalat will lead development in the industrial park as the catalyst to attract further industrial business to set up as we partner to service the area," said Mayor ...
Coun. Ross Eadie pans bike, pedestrian plans for his ward Manitoba CBC News
Monday, 13 July 2015
Mayor Brian Bowman has tried to tamp down the rhetoric on the strategy, saying none of the specific plans will be instituted and no money will be spent without further consultation and appropriate voting by councillors. With files from Sean Kavanagh.
Winnipeg councillors 'killing a fly with an elephant gun'
Monday, 13 July 2015
When Mayor Brian Bowman described the ads as “fear-mongering,” he was right. Because while having residents clear snow from sidewalks on their property is a good idea that would save money and make walking safer — even homeowners in Yellowknife ...
Put brakes on parking plan
Sunday, 12 July 2015
The plan, approved Wednesday by Mayor Brian Bowman and his executive policy committee, has come under fire from the restaurant industry. The Downtown Winnipeg Biz gave it qualified endorsement, warning against an aggressive enforcement that ...
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