2014 Winnipeg Civic Election

An Open Democracy Manitoba Resource

2014 Winnipeg Election Archive

IMPORTANT: The information below is from the 2014 Winnipeg Election.

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Ed Hume

Candidate in the 2014 St. James - Assiniboia - King Edward - Deer Lodge School Ward race.

There are 23 recent news articles that mention Ed Hume.

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Questionnaire Response

Why did you decide to run in the 2014 School Board Election?

I feel there are many issues that I raised in my first term that are unresolved and need to be raised again. This, I feel would benefit all students, staff, parents and the rest of the community/the public. I want to make public school boards public again. I have a passion for education and want to see "the real" best practices being used in our schools. I ran on 4 basic issues in 2010 and want to continue, to improve these areas in 2014. My 4 basic issues are 1. Safe, Healthy Schools, 2. More Open, Transparent, Relational, Accountable School Board, 3. Greater Parent / Resident Involvement and 4. Programs / Program Reviews. Please see my webpage for my political platform and more details about me.

What experience will you bring to compliment your role as School Trustee?

I feel a bring a wealth of experience to compliment my role as a School Trustee. First, I am a retired teacher with 33 years of teaching experience. Since retirement in 2007, I have continued to stay active in the classroom as a substitute teacher in 4 Winnipeg school divisions (last 7years) and am currently employed in them. Over 40 years experience in the classroom! Secondly I have 3 degrees from the University of Manitoba, Bachelor of Physical Education (BPE), Bachelor of Education (BPE) and a Masters of Education (M Ed). Thirdly, I'm a parent of 3 daughters who graduated from the St. James School Division. Finally, I believe in professional developemnt for school trustees and try hard to stay current/ up to date by regular attendance at conferences/workshops.

What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as School Trustee, and why are these issues important to you?

Some of my issues include: the continued use of part time caretakers in St James at 10/15 of our elementary schools since 1994 when all other school divisions use only full day caretakers. This issue in my opinion presents a health and safety risk which I feel would be unacceptable to the majority of the public who are unaware of this situation. If re-elected I plan on taking a public petition back to the new school board to rectify this unjust situation! Please go to my webpage (edrhume.com) for more detail. Other issues in my opinion include: a governance change from the present use of the Business Corporate Model to the Parliamentary Model where individual trustees have more power to act on behalf of the community who elect them! The whole area of special needs, needs to be re-evaluated. In my opinion, we don't employ enough occupational therapist, and physiotherapists to help train and guide our educational assistants (EA's) who work daily with these students. I feel a need for more open and transparent communication with the parents and the community. Please check my website for my whole political platform and more detail about these previously mentioned issues.

What is one thing in particular that you appreciate about the school ward or school division you wish to represent?

There are some great things happening in St. James-Assiniboia which I appreciate: 1. We have a very well trained, hard working and dedicated staff. 2. There are great opportunities for professional development for our staff through conferences and workshops. Our division offers a wide variety of great programs including, strong athletic and musical programs, International Baccalaureate (IB program), solid vocational programing at Sturgeon Heights / St. James Collegiate and Jameswood Alternative School (only 2 exist in Winnipeg!) We also have a strong technology program which includes a fibre optic network and Wi-Fi connections in all our schools.

Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?

I am a candidate who believes in continual improvement of a school board, the status quo does not cut it! Just like we expect improvement in our staff and students, school boards also need to improve, setting an example for their staff. How can we tell them they need to embrace change and improve when we as a board don't set the example? We need to walk the talk. In St. James we have "Great Schools for Learning and Growing" but I want to make them the "The Best Schools for Learning and Growing" through the TEAM approach (Together Everyone Achieves More). Please visit my public website for more detail.

Learn about our questionnaire process.

News that Mentions Ed Hume

News articles are automatically gathered from Google News by searching for the full names of the candidates in the upcoming election. More details.

No one saw LaVérendrye decision coming

Thursday, 14 May 2015

St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate him out from the crowd for a piece in the dead trees edition, and that's not going to happen, but when he sent me his platform, it was not just ...

We'll let you know if anything happens

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate him out from the crowd for a piece in the dead trees edition, and that's not going to happen, but when he sent me his platform, it was not just ...

Teacher unhappy with my heritage moment

Thursday, 07 May 2015

St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate him out from the crowd for a piece in the dead trees edition, and that's not going to happen, but when he sent me his platform, it was not just ...

Blame Koshelanyk for doing his job

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate him out from the crowd for a piece in the dead trees edition, and that's not going to happen, but when he sent me his platform, it was not just ...

Red River College tells me to 'play fair'

Thursday, 19 February 2015

St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate him out from the crowd for a piece in the dead trees edition, and that's not going to happen, but when he sent me his platform, it was not just ...

Miami worth a trip in January

Friday, 16 January 2015

St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate him out from the crowd for a piece in the dead trees edition, and that's not going to happen, but when he sent me his platform, it was not just ...

How a sexual assault charge was handled within one school division

Thursday, 30 October 2014

St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate him out from the crowd for a piece in the dead trees edition, and that's not going to happen, but when he sent me his platform, it was not just ...

They ran, they lost, will they be back?

Friday, 24 October 2014

I first met Sherri Rollins 12 years ago when she came to my door as a Winnipeg SD school board candidate. As I recall, she was somewhat surprised to encounter a voter who followed the school division's issues so closely.

All kinds of stuff about Ed Hume

Friday, 17 October 2014

The bad news, Ed, is I won't be doing a profile piece in the paper on you. And I don't know if writing about you here constitutes good news.... St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate ...

Yes, Rocky, it would have been OK, and other trustee election stuff

Friday, 10 October 2014

Ed Hume is an incumbent in King Edward/Deer Lodge ward of SJASD, who thinks that I should single him out from among the city's 100-plus candidates for a full interview and profile story. Somewhat mysteriously, Hume says that I interviewed him three ...

Personal attacks taking over school board elections

Monday, 22 September 2014

There's some really nasty stuff showing up on social media about these upcoming school board elections. Twitter is starting to look like those TV commercials we see during elections in The States, the ones in which candidates attack their opponents ...

Saying you're a good person is not a campaign platform

Thursday, 21 August 2014

St. James-Assiniboia SD King Edward/Deer Lodge ward school trustee incumbent Ed Hume wanted me to separate him out from the crowd for a piece in the dead trees edition, and that's not going to happen, but when he sent me his platform, it was not just ...

Rare coverage for a school board candidate is it all planned?

Wednesday, 06 August 2014

Candace Maxymowich is doing a pretty good job of getting her name in the media. Considering there are 61 public school board seats in eight school divisions which are open to eligible residents within the city, and considering where the mainstream ...

Student protests and oodles of other stuff, even some that's relevant

Monday, 21 July 2014

I know St. James-Assiniboia school trustee Ed Hume is less than thrilled that I have not seen fit to pursue some issues he's raised with me. At the Manitoba School Boards Association convention, Hume proposed that the trustees use some kind of clicker ...

Anyone running for school board? Anyone? Hello?

Monday, 05 May 2014

I see Gord Steeves and Brian Bowman are running for mayor of Winnipeg, which means we now have more announced candidates for mayor in the city than we have announced candidates for the eight school boards within city limits. Which, like, you know, ...

I'd really like to, but...

Friday, 14 February 2014

I received a speaking invitation last Friday from Pro Tem, my old university paper at Glendon College of York University. Back in the day, I was sports editor and, for my final year, editor. We always assumed that we all had various spy and security ...

Floor it, speed up, drive everfaster on campus!

Monday, 10 February 2014

This is one complaint I certainly didn't expect to get in February — a reader unhappy with a story I wrote last summer about enforcement of the 30 km/h speed limits on much of the University of Manitoba campus. This reader, who says he is a U of M ...

River East's resolutions on daycare nixed

Saturday, 16 March 2013

St. James-Assiniboia trustee Ed Hume said the issue was a watershed moment for school board survival, and for local autonomy over central control: "School boards all over Canada are fighting for their lives, they have a big bull's-eye," said Hume. But ...

Allan makes the right move

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Previous Article:All kinds of stuff about Ed Hume(6 of 6 articles for this month) Previous; Next Article:Babinsky remains a rebellion of one(1 of 6 articles for this month) Next. Undock Undock. You can comment on most stories on winnipegfreepress.com.

Not political, Rita? Seriously?

Friday, 09 December 2011

The Winnipeg School Division's teachers' union makes the extraordinary claim that students are a year behind in math and language arts by the time they finish Grade 6, and school board chair Rita Hildahl won't talk about it because it's not a political ...

Looking for more like Babinsky and Hume

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I want to encourage people like Ed Hume. Hume is the rookie school trustee in St. James-Assiniboia, who called me last week to express his disgruntlement about the pace of public consultation on the much-heralded standardized report cards. You can read ...

Teachers eager to go to prison

Friday, 04 February 2011

It's a while since I've had readers requesting more information on a story, as I've been getting on this week's piece on hiring teachers in the federal prison system. I was at the annual Ed Expo job fair at U of M on Monday, where Corrections Service ...

Incumbent school trustees fall all over town

Thursday, 28 October 2010

The St. James-Assiniboia newcomers include former trustee and board chairman Scott Johnston, who came out of retirement, Jennifer Lawson, Ed Hume, Sandy Lethbridge, Craig Johnson and Bryan Metcalfe. Onetime board chairman Ric Dela Cruz roared ...

See more news that mentions Ed Hume:

Displaying all 23 news mentions.