2014 Winnipeg Election Archive
IMPORTANT: The information below is from the 2014 Winnipeg Election.
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Candace Maxymowich
Candidate in the 2014 Louis Riel - 4 School Ward race.
There are 22 recent news articles that mention Candace Maxymowich.
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Questionnaire Response
Why did you decide to run in the 2014 School Board Election?
I wouldn’t be running for School Trustee if I didn’t care deeply about the future of students in Louis Riel School Division. I care about making sure students have access to a variety of programs. I care about making sure parents know what’s going on in our schools and with their children. I care about making sure teachers have the resources, tools, and support they need to do their jobs and to do their jobs well.
I value our community and am motivated to engage our community in supporting the education of our students. I don’t have all of the answers to the challenges our schools and our school board face, but I believe that together we can find solutions because the future of our students is worth every effort. I believe that every student deserves the best we have to offer. Each child is precious and valuable and is worthy of our finest efforts.
I would be so honoured to have the opportunity to serve as school trustee and join in the important discussions on defining and achieving success for students in Louis Riel School Division.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as School Trustee?
I reside in Royalwood and am active in the community. I’m currently a board meber of the Norberry-Glenlee Community Centre. I’ve always been passionate about working for the benefit of others and currently work at West Broadway Community Ministry – an organization that offers many services to people living in poverty. I’ve also worked as a Research Assistant to a City Councillor.
My volunteerism and commitment to the community have effected change both in organizational policy and community engagement. I have served as Co-Chair of the Youth Advisory Council to the Province of Manitoba and as a facilitator at the North End Youth Forum. I have developed strong relationships with many influential leaders through my dedication to many organizations in Winnipeg, throughout the province, and across Canada. I have received awards for my contributions including the Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, Manitoba Council on Aging Recognition Award, Lieutenant Governor’s Make a Difference Community Award, the Fred Douglas Foundation Humanitarian Award, and was a YWCA Young Woman of Distinction Award nominee.
My energy and passion for bettering the lives of others and close ties to the community will allow me to provide strong representation as a School Trustee.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as School Trustee, and why are these issues important to you?
The safety of all students and staff is paramount to me. I support efforts to expand the School Resource Officer program and will advocate for increased safety in our schools. SROs work to build stronger relationships with youth and the community. Having a visible presence in our schools is a pro-active approach to reduce violence, bullying, drugs and other criminal activities. The role of the SRO is to provide support to students, parents, and school staff by answering calls for service regarding incidents occurring in schools.
Children who experience poverty are less likely to be ready for school, do well in school, and stay in school. I’m passionate about ensuring students and their families receive the necessary supports to allow children to reach their full potential. We can work towards supporting students by providing early intervention to help low-achieving students improve their reading and writing skills which are the necessary foundation for effective learning in all other subjects. Mentoring focused on academics is also an effective practice when addressing specific needs such as reading, writing, or math competencies. Teachers need to feel supported and have an avenue by which they can continue to develop skills.
What is one thing in particular that you appreciate about the school ward or school division you wish to represent?
We live in a diverse community. An important part of being a school trustee is staying in touch with community stakeholders. With more than 14,000 students and their families, as well as the larger community, it can be a challenge to communicate broadly and utilize communication resources wisely. I believe it's paramount that parents, teachers, and the community at large be informed and involved in school board decisions and activities. Actively seeking the expertise, perspectives, and ideas of those affected by decisions made by our school board makes people feel involved and valued. I believe it is important to take everyone’s view into consideration.
Louis Riel School Division has been recognized for its work in addressing the social and emotional needs of students. I will serve as a strong advocate for increased awareness of mental health and wellness for students and educators. I am particularly interested in at risk youth and have a special interest in the mental health of children. Schools play a critical role in nurturing the development of children’s self-confidence, problem solving skills and other factors that contribute to mental health. I also believe that it’s important that educators have access to appropriate supports.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
I've faced a lot of criticism throughout this campaign.
Theodore Roosevelt said “it’s not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who is in the arena. Who’s faces is marred with dust and sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly. Who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly.”
I’ve come to learn that the more you put yourself out there and take a stand for something you believe in, the more people come out of the woodwork and try to tear you down. You have to get used to it and shake it off if you want to come off the sidelines and be in the arena.
I’ve also come to learn that you need to have a complete clarity of values, to not waiver from those values, and to know what your own value is. I value courage. I value accountability, honesty, and compassion. More than anything, I believe that every child is valuable.
Learn about our questionnaire process.
News that Mentions Candace Maxymowich
News articles are automatically gathered from Google News by searching for the full names of the candidates in the upcoming election. More details.
Letters: February 1, 2015
Friday, 30 January 2015
These politicians will make more promises that they won't be able to keep. They will keep Manitobans jumping through flaming hoops. Taxpayers' dollars will magically disappear. Our debt will continue to soar. I'm tired of this circus! Candace Maxymowich.
Have your say
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Candace Maxymowich. Winnipeg. Hill shooter raises questions. Last week a mentally ill, drug-addicted man, armed with an old-fashioned hunting rifle, shot and killed a soldier in front of Ottawa's National War Memorial before rushing into Parliament's ...
They ran, they lost; will they be back?
Sunday, 26 October 2014
I first met Sherri Rollins 12 years ago, when she came to my door as a school board candidate. As I recall, she was somewhat surprised to encounter a voter who followed Winnipeg School Division issues so closely. We were remembering that Wednesday ...
They ran, they lost, will they be back?
Friday, 24 October 2014
I first met Sherri Rollins 12 years ago when she came to my door as a Winnipeg SD school board candidate. As I recall, she was somewhat surprised to encounter a voter who followed the school division's issues so closely.
Progressive candidates win big in WSD
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Louis Riel 18-year-old candidate Candace Maxymowich received more attention than almost any other school board candidate for advocating creationism, abstinence as the only acceptable form of sex education and for promising to bring back junk-food ...
Progressive candidates win big in WSD
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Louis Riel 18-year-old candidate Candace Maxymowich received more attention than almost any other school board candidate for advocating creationism, abstinence as the only acceptable form of sex education and for promising to bring back junk-food ...
Female trustees may outnumber men across province
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
There is an unusually large turnout of very young candidates aged 18 to 22, including Tanjit Nagra and Candace Maxymowich in Louis Riel, Dakota Kochie in River East Transcona, Chris Clacio in Seven Oaks and Luigi Imbrogno in the WSD. Once again ...
Female trustees may outnumber men across province
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
There is an unusually large turnout of very young candidates aged 18 to 22, including Tanjit Nagra and Candace Maxymowich in Louis Riel, Dakota Kochie in River East Transcona, Chris Clacio in Seven Oaks and Luigi Imbrogno in the WSD. Once again ...
Female trustees may outnumber men across province
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
There is an unusually large turnout of very young candidates aged 18 to 22, including Tanjit Nagra and Candace Maxymowich in Louis Riel, Dakota Kochie in River East Transcona, Chris Clacio in Seven Oaks and Luigi Imbrogno in the WSD. Once again ...
Get out and vote on election day
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Josie Landry Sandy Nemeth Robert Page Dave Richardson Carlene Rummery Gill Tyrrell. □ Louis Riel School Division Ward 4 (2 to be elected) Hugh Coburn Jeremy Friesen Candace Maxymowich Tom Parker Justin St. Louis. Facebook.com/TheLanceWPG
10 things you need to know before hitting the polls
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Probably the only race most will care enough to watch is in Louis Riel, where Candace Maxymowich has caused an uproar for her support of creationism being taught in science classrooms and opposition to gay-straight alliances, amongst other things.
Louis Riel School Division Ward 4
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Parker is running against Hugh Coburn, Jeremy Friesen, Candace Maxymowich and Justin St. Louis in the ward. The municipal election will be held on Wed., Oct. 22. (Note: Candidates running throughout the ward were asked to provide their ages; some did ...
Races for school trustee spots draw young slate of candidates
Thursday, 11 September 2014
20-year-old Candace Maxymowich declared her intention to run as school trustee for the Louis Riel School Division months ago. She's impressed to see other young people deciding to run. "I do think that's a good sign people are interested and engaged ...
Twitter teteatete turns up trustee race in Louis Riel School Division
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Controversial candidate Candace Maxymowich, the 20-year-old former provincial PC youth leader, has been ruffling feathers the past month with her pro-life, pro-abstinence, pro-creationism stance she has made public over social media. Now there's a new ...
Controversial trustee candidate calls for creationism teachings in schools
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Controversial Louis Riel School Division trustee candidate Candace Maxymowich called Sunday for creationism to be taught in public school science class alongside evolution. The 20-year-old candidate in Ward 4 also said in a series of postings on ...
WSD election already down two incumbent trustees
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
There will be at least six school board seats in the city in the Oct. 22 election with no incumbent running. I see that Anthony Ramos is running for city council in the Point Douglas ward. Ramos didn't respond to my email today, but his candidate ...
Candidate promotes abstinenceonly sexed
Wednesday, 06 August 2014
Mike Deal / Winnipeg Free Press files School-trustee candidate Candace Maxymowich says she is not campaigning to make abstinence-only sex education part of the curriculum. Photo Store. Louis Riel school board candidate Candace Maxymowich tweeted ...
Trustee candidate Maxymowich defends abstinenceonly sex ed
Tuesday, 05 August 2014
Louis Riel School Division trustee candidate Candace Maxymowich says abstinence is the only acceptable part of sex education. But, the 20-year-old also said today that's a personal belief and she won't push for changes in sex ed if she's elected to a ...
School trustee candidate Candace Maxymowich doesn't support sex education ...
Tuesday, 05 August 2014
The controversy began on Twitter on Monday evening when Candace Maxymowich, a former youth leader for the PC Party of Manitoba, tweeted out a question asking which school trustee candidates will stand up for the moral integrity of children, tagging two ...
Excellence, contributions honoured
Thursday, 03 May 2012
Amanada Furst: international community advocate in Africa. Candace Maxymowich: health-care advocate. Jaysa Nachtigall: student business leader. Melanie Ngo: community leader and social advocate. Karlee Sapoznik: social activist against human slavery.
Women of Distinction Awards recognize a record number of nominees, from ...
Tuesday, 01 May 2012
Melinda Mohammed. Jan Schmalenberg. Circle of Inspiration. Soroptimist International of Winnipeg. Diane Redsky, Joy Smith, Dianna Bussey. The UWSA Day-care staff. Young Woman of Distinction. Daniela Conci. Amanda Furst. Candace Maxymowich.
Women of Distinction awards see record jump in nominees
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg will be hosting their 36th annual Women of Distinction Awards Gala at the Winnipeg Convention Centre Wednesday, May 2, 2012. The awards recognize the contributions women make to their communities. The idea for the awards ...
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